"Draw a Cerberus."
Rainbow Dinosaur Commission - Drawing Sessions
Derrrrrrrr Moar Rainbers!
Chibi Gus Fring Commission - Drawing Sessions
Warning! Contains Breaking Bad Spoilers in the actual art! :D
Cute Mutated Squid Commission - Drawing Sessions
If only mutations were actually this cute!
Unicorn Wearing a Viking Hat Commission - Drawing Sessions
"Draw a unicorn wearing a viking hat"
"Last Cry" & "Behold Your Worth" by Frequis
(Permission granted by Cassandra Aguiar)
Demon Fetus Commission - Drawing Sessions
Shawn Coss asked me to draw him a fetus... so I did, shawn Coss style.
Pokemon Commission - Drawing Sessions
I was asked to draw an Arcanine as a Kickstarter reward commission.
Dapper Bulldog - Drawing Sessions
Drawn as reward for my recent Kickstarter. The song "Dry” provided by my buddy Jim Hiskey of Ocean of Algebra.
Flamelefish Commission - Drawing Sessions
Kickstarter Backer De'Anna Mathews asked me to draw my version of her daughter’s drawing of a elephant... shark... flamingo... thing... hybrid. So, how could I resist!