Splitting Like an Atom

Well, not really. After recent discussions with friends, followers and family, I came to the conclusion that my websites really should be split. My line of thinking when I first merged all my sites was that if I was to put everything I do together into one website, it would make my life easier. This was true, to some extent, but at the cost of confusing to new people.

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Unconscious Ink Returns!

Recently I’ve had conversations with a few other artists about artistic growth and figuring out your voice amongst the thousands of artists out there in the world. What was interesting to me is that I would keep coming back to my first projects as a refection of where I came. In having these discussions it dawned on me that maybe it would be a good idea to post these online again to give people a reference point of my growth to show people how much I’ve changed artistically, what things I tried and the subtle development of my own voice as a result of this project. So, I spent this last weekend putting filtering through my horribly organized photoshop files and compiled this new series on the site called “Unconscious Ink Inklings” or just “Inklings” on the menubar. 

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Corvink Has Achieved a Level Up!

  • Strength +1
  • Magic +5
  • Dexterity +3 
  • Intelligence +2

Now, you may be wondering what I'm going on about? Well, in these following ramblings I will explain... but if you don't want to read to much further I'll let you in on the big secret. Corvink got a new website and store! ::cough:: I guess the title of this blog gave that away didn't it? ::cough::

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